E32: Adventuring Safely and Exploring Responsibly

Before we head out on some epic adventures, join me and Kris Maynard as we discuss safety considerations that people with diabetes should keep in mind before heading out into the wilderness.

Kris is the founder of Glucose Revival, and he created the company out of his experiences as a Type 1 Diabetic and a firefighter/EMT because of the following factors:

  1. His position in the Air Force was taken away due to his diagnosis as a type 1 diabetic.

  2. For two years, his firefighter position was taken away, as a result of a low blood sugar incident.

  3. Living active is important to him; yet, as any diabetic knows, it is truly challenging to be active without a lot of preparation anticipating a drop in blood sugar.

  4. Most importantly, in 2018, Kris’ and his wife learned that their youngest son has two of the autoantibodies that predict that he too will likely be diagnosed as a type 1 diabetic in the next few years.

It has become his mission to help others live their lives to their fullest extent, despite a diabetes diagnosis.

We also chat with Gabaccia about the 10 Essentials, Leave No Trace, and the importance of land acknowledgements. Gabaccia is a writer, photographer, and passionate outdoor advocate exploring responsibly wherever life takes her. She holds a B.A. in Theater and Anthropology from SUNY College at Buffalo and an M.A. in Performance Studies from New York University. Having grown up in Veracruz, Mexico to a family of hunters and ranchers gave her an appreciation for the land and its wildlife at an early age.

As the Director of Social Responsibility here at Hiking My Feelings, Gabaccia is deeply committed to creating spaces that are more diverse, inclusive, and accessible. Her works, whether artistic, creative, or entrepreneurial, have always intersected with the social and environmental issues that surround her. Today you’ll find her consulting for organizations and businesses, or adventuring outside. Most likely fishing, hiking, or backpacking.

Upcoming Events


E33: Long-Distance Hiking with Type 1 Diabetes - Mike Joyce


E31: Join the 2021 Take a Hike, Diabetes Challenge!